when texting...?

if you mean text as in SMS messaging on mobile/cell phones... hmmm... I quite hate the stuff - but these days the number of people that I deal with professionally that text replies and what not is growing and growing. It's insane. No one can compose a proper business letter... but everyone can text. So often I have no choice but to text.

In that case... I guess I use the multi-tap - the one where the phone doesn't guess the word it thinks I'm trying to use. Call me a dinosaur.
I hate predictive text with passion. My house mate text me once about gnats above our pool and paper plates, it came through as goates flying above the pool and could I pick up some paper slaves...(?!?!)

I hate text speak with passion in general Even ASDA drive through has a sign saying "drive thru", texts from phone companies with all the "ur" rubbish, adverts on TV full of text speak, shops, businesses, even my landlord would rather text! Society/the media is using text speak everywhere because it looks "cool". In a few decades English as we know it will be Shakespeare to them, and they won't even know who Shakespeare is!

*refrains from ranting*
t9 fer me. Comes in very handy when yer in a meeting and can't "talk". Slip is right, though, ya needs to keep the ability to talk right.
the ability to distinguish between txting and normal talking/typing is invaluable ... I HATE people that use txt speak in normal typing.
Even though obtrusive automation in general drives me nuts (see this cartoon for an example ), i use T9 when texting, it is a lot faster 99% of the time, which makes it a pretty good technology. Mind you, i do use proper punctuation, graofftopicr, syntax, the works!
Yes I wholeheartedly agree Vic! I choose to ignore texts from my Dad as they are just utter utter nonsense! I always use proper graofftopicr in all my text messages. Baaaah.I am also stifling my rant!
I use T9, although my personal peeve is people who use predictive text, but still use txt speak, which often takes longer to do.
Lucky my elders are clueless when it comes to phones

I always use proper grammer. I suppose I can understand shortening words in texts for the sake of less characters, but not for example in a forum
Yes,quite. I'm fed up of phone envy too- "Ooh look at my phone, not only can I play videos and listen to music but I can also communicate with the dead and it has a 100million billion gigabyte toaster too."
Baaaaah!It's simply a con!!!!
I remember the days when we used to write letters and actually speak to people.
You worry me sometimes

Problem with phones like that is they're useless unless everyone else has the same technology. And even then they're the kind of things you'd play with for a day then forget about
Mobile phones are the predecessor to telepathy, you don't write, you don't speak, you just know. So what better to do with all that free time than use your phone to take pictures of pretty stuff!

Besides, txt spk is liek teh modrn hrglyphcs, only th wse cn rd thm. U bttr lrn 2 rd fr teh mdrn age!! I