When was the last time you laughed so hard?


May 20, 2008
I did today.
Today, a friend of mine and I went shooting. (Not the indoor one with glass booths where you use handguns and stuff. We did the outdoor one with rifles, huge open field.)
He would fire and miss. And every time he missed, he would swear like a sailor. At one point, he said (after missing. Again!), "This time, I'm not gonna scream, I'm not gonna curse, this time, I'm just gonna be *ZEN.*"
In my head, I'm counting down, "Five... Four... Three... Two... One..."
Sure enough, he let out this girlish, really high-pitched "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!"
It was funny to see (funny for us guys, cute for the girls); you can see him trying his best not to scream and curse, but you laugh 'cause you know what's coming five seconds later. And the girls think it's cute when he's reddening, trying his best not to explode but failing miserably.
I laughed so hard, my sides ached!