where can i get free games, ringtones, ect. for my sidekick lx ?

Billy Bob Corn Bread Gots Yo Answerz

omgg i needa put music on my sidekick 2008 but i cant figure out how ot do it !

Ok kay first thing u do is go to a musik web site like Mp3Raid.com - Free Mp3 Downloads, Free Music Downloads or Beemp3.com - MP3 Search & Free MP3 Downloads

so u find the song then right hand click on the icon that says download and save target or link as, then save to your phone or memory card then click save then you will see it on your phone.
all you have to do is download the music to your computer that you want an then plug your sidekick into your computer and then drag the music that you want to the music file on your sidekick and your done by the way to do this you need a usb cored;)