Where should I spend my vacation in Europe ?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
I am having a one week conference in Ireland in july 2013 , after this conf. I am planning to spend a two weeks vacation in Europe but I ve never been there so I need a good plan regarding visiting several good cities to enjoy both heritage , historical places and good night life ... And please help me with cheap hostels to stay and events to go for ..... Oh that was too much , appreciate it :) .... Love from Egypt :)
July is actually the worst time to go to Italy, south of France or Spain. Way too hot - but then if you are from Egypt, that might not bother you all that much.

Would you consider staying in Ireland? Ireland has cool summers, and while you run the risk of the notoriously unpredictable rain, you can still enjoy heritage, historical places and good night life. The only difficulty you might find is getting around.

Cheap hostels: www.hostelworld.com. And make sure you don't need a visa, contact the Irish Embassy and ask them about this. If you don't choose Ireland, you might require a visa for whichever country you go to, so do check this before setting out.
Go to Venice
It has amazing monuments and also has many breathtaking views
i suggest that you go there
Go to Venice
It has amazing monuments and also has many breathtaking views
i suggest that you go there
ITALY! lol go venice, it is absolutely beautiful and historical as well. There are many cities and villages towards the north/middle like near Rome that are cool places to visit and you will definitely learn a lot. i can't really give you any advice for hotels or anything because when my family goes back to visit we stay at familys homes. i can tell you that THEE best pizza you will ever eat comes from the ghetto of Italy. Always go to the ghetto. :)
I would say to go to Rome Italy and visit the monuments and museums there or if you like paintings go to France and visit the louvre. You can check on kayak for good deals on hotels and they will always find the lowest prices. P.s if you decide Rome you must visit the Vatican City if you are catholic