Where should i start to start having the scene style?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
alright, i know how much hate scene kids get, but I'm looking for something a bit different then most other people. I think the way scene kids look is really cool, i honestly don't want to be one of those obnoxious kids who are super fake and rave about their favorite bands, but i do indeed would love to have that look. I don't want to do it for attention, or whatever those kids do it for, i just honestly really like the style they wear. and I'm not trying to copy them either, i just would like a look in between full out scene and how i am now. i have always been intrigued by that crowds look since i was little, and have always found scene to girls to be more pretty. ever since i was smaller, i always felt weird looking, and didn't like how i looked. i just think looking like that would make me happier. i know i will probably get hate, but im ready for it, i already get it. and plus, if someone is that shallow to judge me on what i wear, then they arent worth having around in the first place. Sorry for rambling. long story short, i want to have a scene-like look, maybe like black hair with a green stripe or something. i dont want to change my personality at all either, just my look. Where should i start?

(Please don't tell me i'm a poser... i am honestly not trying to be a kid who loves all these bands no one has ever heard of, and thinks that they are better then everyone. i know im not better then everyone, and i have known this for a long time. compared to most people, im kind of lame. i just really like the scene look and would love to put my own spin on it. i just dont know where to start.)
You should check out tumblr and websites like that. Get an idea of what they wear and slowly start buying clothes that resemble the pictures and soon you'll get the hang of it.
Check out some you tubers with the style because it get me so much inspiration. Also look up stuff on tumblr especially and you will get heaps of info. First get to know the style before buying it.