Which accents do you like / find attractive?

God I love accents

My bf is Colombian and as soon as I heard him speak across the room I fell in love and made a beeline lolz

South American, Italian, Spanish and Portugese are WOW
I rather like the Black Country accents. Plus the way of calling areas completly different from what the english would have you believe.
Caldmore becomes Carma, Daw End Lane become Dowend Lane, such words as 'bostin' and so on.
And the classic farewell. Tara a bit.
My accent is what you'd call generic Northern, Im from Warrington and we don't really have our own distinct accent :p
Well, yeah, I'd be lying if I said that isn't where I got it from.
I'm shocked though, I thought that did it for everyone... I seriously need to re-think my ploys.
I think my mum watches it purely for the sexy accents, maybe I will watch it more but focus on the women :D
Do you reckon that might get me interested in the Scottish accent??
Goodness knows! I just know I think it's hot and really easy to take the piss out of. Which is, apparently, what I do when I think something about someone is hot. Weird...

Complex much?
So lemme get this right, if you thought, lets say... hypothetically... somones feet hot, you would take the piss outa them? Like stomp around going "oh my feet are so funny looking, oh oh"? :eek3:
Irish! and scottish but only the genuine 1s and only the southern 1s! I can definetly resist an invernirsn accent! aeeey boy and all that! :D
I like germans speaking english 2!
I have... little idea of what you just said.
But I was just kidding, heh. And also, feet are gross and should never be seen as something attractive. Ew.
German...yes, strange but true.

But then again, not sure it was actually the accent or the teacher speaking in german that got my heart racing...

I'd have to say irish or Scottish ^^ Possibly some parts of America but definetly not all American accents.

Gotta love the suffolk accent ;)