Which Is Better, Roblox Or Blockland? To Build NEW Stuff, Try Roblox, To

Blockland is reccomended. 20$ is worth it, because everything is free, it has shaders, lots of cussing, EPIC games, 99% free, Return To Blockland which features these: Making friends, chat stuff, and in-game add-on installing. Go play Blockland.


Roblox isn't that good. First off it's free-to-play, which means you have to pay for SOMETHING, grammarless mother****ers, horrible moderators, BAD graphics, scripting (unlike blockland that adds events that are like easy scripting), plus there is a catalog that you have to buy your earned money.

What should we choose?

well paying blockland is worth it cause the game is your forever after you get it
In roblox u can make friends chat build script advertise buy stuff with virtual money make games and Servers and chat with people and become famous by making awesome games.

Oh and btw BC tbc and obc are OPTIONAL so u don't need to buy it -_- and by the way blockland actually looks like lego's compared to roblox