Which is more strenuous: sprinting or running?



Sprinting a 100 meter distance or running a 100 meter distance?
long distance running is more strenuous.you have to keep at it with a fast pace where as almost everyone can sprint.long distance takes more dedication and time.the max you run in a sprint practice is around 2 miles tops while distance runners run atleast 8 miles.
Can you elaborate?

Sprinting is a form of running.

If you are asking whether or not running long distances rather than sprinting is more strenuous on your muscles, that's a different thing. Both sets have different workouts to be done and focus on different muscles. Sprinting focuses more on explosion and anaerobic exercising and training. Long distance training focuses on aerobic with anaerobic but not as much explosion.

Sprinting will focus more on your arms than longer distances, as having more upper body muscles in longer distances just become dead weight at a certain point. Sprinting with strong upper body will make it so you increase your stride length and your repetition [how fast you take a step].

Long distance running will work your heart more so than your other muscles. To build up stamina it is a lot easier than to do so actual pure speed. Pure speed comes natural and usually you can't fix too much of it. Sprinting is harder to self-improve at unless your natural form in running is barely useable.

After doing both long distance training for one year and sprinting training for another, I personally regard sprinting training as harder than long distance training for of the moment. Sprinting done right will make you feel all the pain within a minute. Long distance will let you have bearable pain.

Except, it all comes down to the actual runner. If the person has a predisposition to run with bad form, it can affect their overall distance training and make them use a lot more energy than other people. Some people have naturally more stamina than other people, while others still have more natural speed.
I'd say running, sprinting 100M won't hurt as much as runnin 3200M and having to keep a good pace.
In my own opinion- sprinting is. But I don't know which is actually more strenuous.