Which is the best Handheld for me? Samsung Glyde - BlackBerry Bold - Palm Centro ?


New member
Nov 13, 2008
I LOVE texting!
I really do!
I have $450 saved up and I am going to use it for a phone...
So, the price of the phone doesn't matter.
My top 3 Fav phones are the Samsung Glyde BlackBerry Bold and Palm Centro.

Samsung Glyde - http://www.phonesreview.co.uk/wp-content/phoneimages/2008/03/photos-of-the-beautiful-looking-samsung-glyde-for-verizon.jpg

I really love how this has a touch screen AND a QWERTY keyboard AND that it slides open. I really like phones that I can put into my jean pockets (which aren't very big) and this seems like it might be better than the other 2. Also, for a tech-loving preteen, this seems pretty good.

BlackBerry Bold - http://www.cdrinfo.com/images/uploaded/BlackBerry_Bold.jpg

I like how this one has a QWERTY keyboard. It doesn't have a touchscreen, but thats okay. I really like the sound on this (I know because I know someone who has one). Also, it looks great! Very Sleek, like the Samsung Glyde. Good for a preteen? Er, maybe...

Palm Centro - http://www.everythingcentro.com/images/stories/verizon-palm-centro/verizon-palm-centro-01.jpg

I like how this one has a QWERTY keyboard AND a touchscreen. But, the problem is, the more I look into the Palm Centro, the less I like it. I mean, it looks great for texting, but it has such small buttons!!! Anyways, this is another handheld, and the sound quality is good ( I know someone who has this, too! ;] ) My friend gets disappointed at times that she bought it. She loves to text too; but sometimes, she is really happy she has it.

So, which one should I get???

I LOVE them all, but I like the first 2 the best ;]

Help me decide???


<33 vivi

P.S. " Sick today, so I have nothing better to do than look at phones! Haha! "