Which kitchen gadget you have bought have you found useful and which do you never


May 30, 2008
use? My wife has bought a counter-top grill, hand grinder and wants to buy a specialized pizza maker. The first two ended up in the cellar. I bought a food processor that lasted 20 years and often used to make pastry with, but now is broken but my wife refuses to let me replace it, as she thinks it is a waste of money. What is your experience with kitchen gadgets?
SOME of my favorites - My KitchenAid Mixer... I actually didn't buy it but inherited it from my Mom who got it as a wedding present in 1960 !! That mixer is now 52 years old, going strong, and is used at least once a week.

I also have a Cuisanart food processor my wife and I got for OUR wedding back in 1986... I had to replace the "cup", but it's indespensible also.

Tonight we're using our Pizza Oven... a huge wood-fired brick monster I built when we built the house. We live out in the country... with a 60 mile round trip to the nearest pizza parlor, so given that my wife and daughters love pizza, it was a good investment.

USELESS... a toaster oven we got as a house-warming gift in 2004... I actually moved it out to the BARN so I can toast my bagel or sandwich while I'm milking the cows.
My list of loved gadgets include the food processor, stand mixer (with shredding attachment), immersion blender (thought it would collect dust but it doesn't), countertop grill, and tortilla press. I do love my good digital kitchen timer, thermometer, and scale. I'd say the least used are the ice cream maker, breadmaker, sausage maker attachment, blender, and toaster. (Actually the toaster broke and we haven't had a need to replace it.)

I'd look into good deals on a new food processor. My rule of thumb is "If it broke today, would I run out tomorrow and get another one?" Like if the hand mixer broke, it could wait until Christmas. Food processor, I'd need another one in my kitchen within a week. I'd save up YOUR share of the money or sell something of yours and replace that one if she's going to be so stubborn. If you consider it a need for yourself, then YOU need a new one. Or at least used/refurbished.