Which Nokia phone does Edward have in Breaking Dawn - Part 1?


May 12, 2008
In the scene where Bella suspects she's pregnant and the Cullens call them, Bella picks out Edward’s cell phone from his pocket and answers...I could see that it was a Nokia but I could not see the model. Can someone tell me which model it was?

Also a scene after that one, where Bella calls Rosalie in the car while she waits. Is it the same phone, as in Edward’s phone, or something different? If they are different i would like to know what it is as well.

I found this answer:

Which explains that Bella had a teh nokia music xpress 5300 and Edward has a razer.

EDIT: Sorry! Above answer is from 3 years ago, so must have been from the first movie!

I am pretty sure that the phone Bella answers and the phone she uses to call Rosalie are the same ones, and in the book she uses Edward's phone to call her, though I may be wrong.

Bella may be using her phone when she is talking to Charlie though.

Try browsing the nokia website to find the type. I noticed it was a touch screen, which might narrow it down a bit, and looked a little like an iPhone.

EDIT: This is a website I found with phones looking a lot like the ones from the movie: