Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between amino acids and


New member
Jun 3, 2008
tRNAs? The conformation of an aminoacyl-tRNA facilitates the direct interaction between the amino acid and its appropriate codon in the mRNA-ribosome complex.
Formation of the ester linkages between a tRNA and its corresponding amino acid is catalyzed by the tRNA itself.
The activation of an amino acid by formation of an aminoacyl-tRNA is coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP to AMP + 2 Pi.
A tRNA is a six-nucleotide RNA molecule consisting of an anticodon followed by a CCA sequence that accepts amino acids.
A tRNA binds to its appropriate amino acid through a covalent linkage of the amino acid’s side chain to the base of the nucleotide immediately 5’ of the anticodon.