which of these topics seem the most interesting?


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Written Assignment Topics:
? Cyberstalking
? Sexting and adolescents
? Sexual addiction
? Synesthesia
? Body Dysmorphic Disorder
? Compulsive eating
? Dermatillomania & trichotillomania
? Effects of bullying
? Cyber-bullying
? Compulsive hoarding
? Discrimination, prejudice, and hate crimes
? Facebook addiction/internet addiction
? Transgenderism
? Plastic surgery and adolescents
? False memories
? Mothers who kill
? Marital infidelity and Emotional Affairs
sexting and adolescents and face book addictions/internet addiction sound like modern topics they may not have been overly done and would therefore be interesting. Plastic surgery and adolescents could be interesting and Marital infidelity and emotional affairs effect people on an emotional level and it something many people have experienced and would therefore relate to and find interesting.
they're all interesting with the exception of marital infidelity and emotional affairs...and discrimination prejudice, and hate crimes.
1st False memories
2nd Compulsive hoarding
3rd Mothers who kill

Its a toss up between the first 2. Hoarding dose not seem very interesting on the surface but once you begin to look into it. Same with false memories.
Cyberstalking because MANY people do it and they don't think it's bad or obsessive at all. OR sexting since it's becoming more popular. Maybe even false memories because that's something that really caught my attention, it makes me want to know what it is. It's your choice. =)
Cyberstalking because MANY people do it and they don't think it's bad or obsessive at all. OR sexting since it's becoming more popular. Maybe even false memories because that's something that really caught my attention, it makes me want to know what it is. It's your choice. =)
1st False memories
2nd Compulsive hoarding
3rd Mothers who kill

Its a toss up between the first 2. Hoarding dose not seem very interesting on the surface but once you begin to look into it. Same with false memories.
1st False memories
2nd Compulsive hoarding
3rd Mothers who kill

Its a toss up between the first 2. Hoarding dose not seem very interesting on the surface but once you begin to look into it. Same with false memories.
it depends on what you find most interesting. Personally, i find effects of bullying best because I've been bullied before, so I could relate. False memories is cool, too!