Who agrees with this?


New member
Oct 8, 2011
(Disclaimer: This poster is of no affiliation with any form of party weither it be Rep, Dem, Lib, Con, Communist, Facist, marxist, socialist, monarchy, theocracy, or anarchist type groups. This poster is of a indepedent view point and this ponder/questions holds no full support of the OWS, Tea Party or any other form of protesting group against an aspect of gov't or big business.)

We need leaders. Men to make decisions to help our nation, not its noble class that own big ol' banks or some panzy lobbyist group who hides behind their puppets and paid off police. "Politicans" (The way I see the term as of now-a-days) are nothing more than old men with greedy and gullible minds, thinking only for themselves and their curropt bigoted or cowardly political parties, both democrates and republicans. We dont -need- or -want- "politicans" and their stinking groups, we need leaders who can get the job done in protecting our freedom, rights, and pursuits (Especially for a comfortabl economic and social life and happiness itself!) Not a dozen men in suits in individual parties that choke hold the system to do their vanity projects!

Who agrees?
Who disagrees?