Who are you voting for?

Man, QFT seriously you say your comment is not racist?! Yes it is!!

People want whats best for the country just because he's "black" and/or "muslim" It doesn't mean he wouldnt make a good president...It might even be better for the country as he might pull the troops out of Iraq and bring them home...

And as of the "south" most racist ones there are straight up HICKS and dont vote regardless..so it wouldnt make a diffrence.

You obviously haven't seen how good he is in getting the crowd/supporters to listen to him.

Even Bush questions that.

Tell me why retail has been doing terrible then, why people have been buying less and less, or why more and more shops/stores have been going out of business. Or why only about 1/3 of teens this summer will be employed. If things have been getting better, i'd hate to see it screwed up.:rolleyes:

50% of voters eh? I highly doubt that, as you see more people complaining of Bush then saying nearly anything positive of him.
And you dont either. All you do is probably watch FOX and CNN. So it really does not count.

You really have no idea on how our economy operates do you. The president has little to do on how the economy works.

Do you realize how ignorant you sound when you say Bush fixed the economy. Bush didint fix the economy he only hurt it by adding more national debt to the 9 trillion we currently have. If you are reffering to the oil prices and why they are so high Bush and Clinton have little to do with anything.

The oil crisis we are currently having is due to several factors regarding speculation cuased by investors/hedge funds, inflation and the rising devaluation of the dollar, or global demand. None of those factors could have been influenced by a president.

Anyone but John McCain. He may have been a viable candidate 10 years ago, but he is now an incompetent old fool that can't remember what he says or what he stands for.
You completely contradict yourself... You say that the president has little to do with how the economy works, yet you continue on to say that bush added onto the huge national debt that we have, which in turn devalues the dollar, which hurts our economy. Seems to me he fucked it up pretty good.

I agree that Bush sucked, but think about what you said for a second.
i guess you dont go in ST:politics much then :dodgy:

i cant vote.. but if any1 but obama wins our country is screwd... were screwed either way but idgaf

miley 2008
You're ignorant. Just because you, me, and him are not racist, does not mean that other people ARE, especially the South. Accept the truth that there are still racist people in the world, unfortunatly, and that they likely will vote against Obama, even if they wouldn't vote normally. The old bastards have probably already registered to vote, for the sole purpose of making sure he does not become president.

I think the big question here is if the Hilary supporters will switch to Obama to stay with the Democratic party, or if they will vote against him, with McCain, after she loses the Democratic race. I think whoever gets Hilary's votes will have a VERY good chance of winning this election.
You are racist. Just not to black people.

Honestly, anyone who thinks the south is racist is a dolt.

Grow up, shut up, and try to actually go to a different state for the first time in your life.

But you are correct. the south tends to vote republican. But with this election's miserable choices, anything can happen.