Who could be beat Bruce Lee in a fist fight?

Oh, what are you again? Nothing.

Boxers are stupid? We have enough sense not to do MMA, I'd say that shows a high degree of intelligence.
I'm glad you think I don't train anything. How about we stop arguing, I guess you're just mad because boxing is going down the drain.
You're training your fingers right now, that's all you do.

MMA will never achieve what boxing has achieved. Boxing is losing popularity because of the current problems in boxing, the interest of the American people can easily be recaptured . So no, it's not "going down the drain", it's sadly having some problems right now.

Bruce Lee could probably hit harder than most heavyweights, while using a one inch punch. I really wish he fought professionally so more people could understand how great of a fighter he was.

I guess you have to train for a combat sport to be able to appreciate his dedication and talent.