Who wants to be a pirate?

Evil Kinjoro Evil!!! Just you wait, the pirates' retribution will be swift an mean. You will regret the day you threatened us with Brussel Sprouts and poured out the rum (not that it really matters I don't care about the rum ). All the same, the pirate authority must not be challenged (unless of course it is by me) orthe kitten gets it. Replace the rum and remove the sprouts!
Pirates eat cats? I knew there was something evil about them! But I'm not a little kitty; I'm a big, mean grown-up cat! Sharp fangs and claws! And I have an unlimited supply of brussels sprouts and liver!

Freeform, you'd really eat that cute little Scottish Fold kitten?
Yarr, t'would appear like ye seafaring moderator Freefrom has taken the ears of the kitten as a starter to be sure(a delicacy pon the high sea's I been told).

Could ye Freeform tell me if ye small kitten taste anything like chikcen?
Yes If I was hungry enough.

No, not really. More like squirrel really.

Avass! You are but a poor and scurvy excuse for pirates, yahar.

Tis in my own interests to be forming a new company!
'Join Freeforms pirate nation and get as much free stuff as you can steal!'

'Sign up today!'
Who said I didn't?

MUTINY !!!!!

... I ain't sharin me booty with any of yee scurvy dawgs if yee leave my ship!
Kickchick, I thought you made the "kitty bagel" at the bottom of your page. We'll keelhaul anyone who wants to mutiny. Make them eat the brussel sprouts and liver also....
{{Make note: Ninja plan to create divisiveness among the pirates is working. I shall now sit down to a large dish of nice, green, delicious, perfectly cooked, fresh, young, sweet, tender...

Brussels Sprouts!

Mmmmmmmm. But I ain't eatin' no liver}}
Kitty lady, join my Pirate Nation and you can have ALL the sprouts, as we think they suck.

Capt. Col
In Freeform's Pirates Nation Co-operative you are an individual, join my... err... our co-op and achieve your true potential!

Stealing things and maiming people!

Admiral Col