Who's legacy will be more tarnished when all is said and done: Roger "The

Considering Clemens never once tested positive for any drug I would say Pettitte. All we have condemning Clemens right now is the word of an admitted drug user (Pettitte) and the word of an accused rapist and convicted drug dealer (Brian McNamee). Neither of those guys are very dependable witnesses. McNamee has a needle he used to shoot Clemens in the a$$ with HGH sitting in his basement in a beer can? Really? Why would he have it laying there except to later blackmail Clemens and they will have to prove it was indeed HGH or steroids in the syringe and not just a B vitamin shot or something similar which he has admitted to taking. No chance of that syringe holding up in court and the story seems fishy at best.
It is also hard to say Pettitte did much wrong considering HGH was not banned when he used it. It became a banned substance later. That would be like saying if they outlawed cigarettes tomorrow you could be arrested for having a pack today. That doesn't even make sense but Bud Selig almost never does so he is just trying to keep his image as a lying a$$hole that hates the best players in the game and he has done a damn good job of it! Bud Selig is the one with the most damaged image in all of this. His lies and deceit are unforgivable and he should be banned from baseball immediately as a result.