Why am I dreaming of familiar strangers?


May 21, 2008
It's only been girls that I met once, but don't know a thing about them beside their names.

They all end up doing somethig in my dream. It first starting out with them seducing me, flirting, etc as they go on they get worst. I was stabbed at one point.

Why am I dreaming of these people I barley know?
Hi. I think that something about these people is interesting and possibly appealing to you. I often wonder why I have dreams like this as well, but I just figure either a person or group of people made an impression on me somehow and my brain is recycling that notion, OR my subconscious is telling me something deeper about a specific person (or persons) that I might not have noticed in my waking life. Sometimes we may WANT to know more about people we don't know well in real-life, so in our dream-life we make up elaborate scenarios to help remedy what we were not able to do. For example, maybe you want girls to flirt with you and they don't, or maybe they do flirt with you and you don't trust them (you got stabbed)... You may even have to question yourself because sometimes dreams are not as obvious as they seem-the girls may represent a side of yourself that you should pay attention to. There are so many possibilities to this dream question, but I think only you are the best judge as to what is really going on. I hope this makes some sense to you and helps you out a little at least :)
If you are a single young man, it is not unusual for you to dream about attractive young women you have met. These dreams can be a way your mind lives out some things you might LIKE to happen, but you know in REAL life there would be some REAL risks to getting that close to someone you don't know well. That is why you dream of the "worse" and even the stabbing. Your God given common sense is wide awake, even when you are asleep, trying to make sure YOU stay on guard and out of trouble!