Why am I frequently dreaming about throwing up tar?


May 20, 2008
It seems like every other night I start dreaming about something normal (like going for a walk or sitting in my room) when I suddenly start vomiting this thick, black, tar-like substance. I start clawing at my mouth and throat, but I can never get it all out.

Vomiting is not new to me - A few years ago I was diagnosed with a stomach disorder called Gastroparesis. I'm nauseous almost constantly, and even though I try my best to hold my food down, I often don't succeed.

I'm assuming the dreams are linked to my condition, but why are they showing up now? Why not in the years before I was diagnosed, or the good 2 year gap from when I was diagnosed to now? Or could the dreams mean something else entirely? The only recent change in my life is that I started going to college (online classes only).

I just want to be able to sleep normally again. Can someone tell me why I'm having these dreams, and if there's any way to stop having them?