Why are Capricorns so funny?


New member
Mar 29, 2008
It's mainly the men, but the women also have good senses of humor. My boyfriend is a Capricorn and he always comes up with something witty to say. I've noticed this trait in most Capricorns I meet.
my best friend and i are both Capricorns and we are always cracking up one another with our jokes also the class clown is a Capricorn i think it in our Genetics
From what I've heard from most Capricorns, they are generally the most funniest people among all zodiac signs. They have a natural sense of humor. I'm a Capricorn and I do agree that I have a good sense of humor. I find myself making jokes all the time and people laugh at it. I love to laugh a lot too. And it gets embarrassing for me when I find things funny, which others don't find it funny. Lol, I can crack up in the middle of silence.
because they are , that is theeir way of communicating , i like that in them , keep you guessing too dont know if they are telling the truth or what , big teases.