Why are gays protesting in Hollywood over prop 8?

because it goes against the constitution.
Everyone is created equal and should have equal opportunities for everything.
It's not up to the bible or any one group to say what people should and should not do.
Whats so upsetting about 2 men or women getting married? Why should it matter so much?Why should they hide behind closed doors or not be counted as having valid relationships??
It's antiquated....and it's time we stepped out of the dark ages and got our heads out of butts.
So, if the South wanted to disenfranchise black people, that would be OK because it's the will of the people? Of course not. Why don't gay people deserve rights?
Marriage was instituted by God and as usual the world system seeks to pervert what God instituted. God is not an idea or a concept that He can be adapted to our culture - unlike us, He never changes. We conform to Him, not the other way around. Americans are defining God on their own terms, according to their own opinions. In the Bible, when someone crafted their own God it was called idolatry. There is a way that seems right to man, but it's end is death. WAKE UP. Read Romans Chapter 1 & 2 from the Bible. It looks just like America today.
i agree with u on this one.
Society is not ready for them and they should just accept that.
Things such as adoption rights should only go to hetrosexual couples in my opinion amongst other rights
Its the second time the people of California has voted down gay marriage. Several other states did the same Tuesday as well. Also take into consideration that the majority of the countries of the world do not have gay marriage-most have said no to it. The gay people need to realize that this is something that people just do not want.
Im willing to meet them half way. Come up with something similar and call it a unionship or whatever. But you cant always get what you want, and gay marriage is just one of those things.
Brent V, where is this supernatural entity you speak of? Is he hanging out on Unicorn island with the flying pink elephants at the edge of the flat earth he created and then left?

All laws and institutions in the world today were written by humans- that much is certain and undeniable. God can't put pen to paper and write laws himself, because he's not a coporeal entity.

So whether the mortal authors had other-wordly inspiration at the time is a matter of faith (because there is NO evidence to support such fanciful notions) If people choose to believe in divine inspiration, hey- that's their option but don't expect anyone else to follow. You need proof to support your positions in the real world.
There is nothing in the constitution about marriage. Why is the government getting involved in this? Whatever happened to the seperation of church and state.