why are my step daughters so attached to me?


May 12, 2008
let me preface this with, i am by no means complaining or upset nor would i want it any other way... i love my step daughters and would do anything for them...

it seems, though, ever since i met them almost 2 years ago, they have become completely attached to me, more so then their own mother, in a sense.. we have them 4 days out of the week (50/50 custody). we dont all live together as my fiance and i arent married yet, and we're trying to make the transition for the grils as easy as possible, so for now, we do everything else together, pick them up from school, homework, dinner, showers, play, all the usual family stuff, but i go home at night right after they go to bed... their grandparents are around much of the time as well, because they are used to that, as my fiance spent a lot of time with them after his divorce so his kids would have more family around... but they literally follow me everywhere... they always want to play with me, forget about the others who are around.. they want me to give them their showers, they want me to listen to them tell stories, and so on... more the 7 year old then the 5 year old.. she's still really attached to her daddy, but she still loves to climb all over me... now, i can understand this happening in the beginning as i was a new person, a young female and new friend... but its been a long time, and i would have thought they would have grown tired of me by now, know what i mean... we haev thought that maybe its because i have a mother type role and give them more attention then their own mother does, but really, i'm not sure... what would make them want to be attached at the hip to me, thier fathers fiance?
everyone in our household gives them undivided attention- grandparents and their father... yet, for example, when we're all eating dinner, their grandfather sits at the head of the table, with one kid on each side, then my fiance and thier grandmother on either other side of each kid, then me at the other end, furthest away from them, and they still ask only me to fill their water glasses.. and we all look at them like, how can i reach their glasses and they get it.. but i am literally the first person they think of..