why are so many celebrities having multiple births lately?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
Some celebrities are having these babies with or without fertility help. is it age or is there something the rest of us don't know about?
Are you sure it's without fertility help? Even taking clomid increases the chance of multiples.

Plus, many of them having multiples are "older" and are most likely getting some sort of fertility treatments.
Because they pay doctors to give them fertility pills, even when they don't need them for medical reasons (like for people having difficulty getting pregnant). Celebs that want two kids only want one pregnancy. Plus they know that twins are easy to get into showbiz at a young age.
twins are either random, run in the family, or are the result of fertility drugs. If the stars are over 40, my guess is fertility drugs.
Instead of being in the water it's in the botox........lol j/k I have no idea but strange isn't it
They're probably extremely horny as f*ck.

It's like a correlation with celebrities. It's like an increase in fornication and sex drive with them.