Why are you on TSR (now)?

Because I had an operation on my knee 2 weeks ago and I'm immobile.

Fed up with Jeremy Kyle, watched all my boxsets, and this is at least vaguely sociable.

Friends arriving to see me soon though. Yay.
Waiting for the oven to warm up so I can have some chicken pieee :D

Oh, and because I'm meant to be writing up a 'lesson' on Italian verbs for a friend I'm teaching...but, I just can't bring myself to get past "Okay. Verbs. I loves them."
Because my group of kids are currently on a climbing session and so ive got a couple of hours break untill i need to pick them up to take them to dinner.
Bored bored bored. However I am going to get up now and go get on with something of worth!

I would have left about an hour ago but I got sucked into playing Farmville and then helping out someone on the forum.
This is a classic example of me - Is it something important?

At the minute I'm on because I'm housebound and therefore lonely. But I'm getting picked up later so I've just got the computer open and I'm messing around while I'm getting ready.

Oh, also because I'm keeping track onadvice people are giving me.
I'm just surfing the net reading the latest news, so I always keep ihav open and just check scan the latest discussions every 10 mins or so because often some really interesting threads about current affairs etc. come up.