Why are you online in this glorious weather!?

Apr 7, 2008
im in london at the moment and its really hot and sunny but i noticed there are still alot of people on offtopic community. So why arnt you enjoying the sun if its like this where you are? Oviously swine fluers you gotta stay indoors but im actually at the park on my iphone. If you are not at home or on your phone what are you doing? or if you read this later on what did you do in the sun today? this summer has been crap weather so its a shame if you dont enjoy this weather. what do you plan to do later on or what have you done to take advantage of the weather? well my skins burning at the moment so i gotta go in shade.
I live in the grim north and the sun has gone into hiding... thus have I. I happen to be going out soon though anyway lol.
Bet it starts raining as soon as I go out :'(
I'm in London too. But feeling dehydrated and faint as it is, i don't think going outside in this heat is going to help :p:
It's nice weather, but I finished work at 2 and start again at 5, so not much time inbetween to get upto much except grab a bite to eat and wait :/
Even if you are on your iphone (yeh, course you are..), why are you on ihav at the park? You should be playing football or chatting up [strike]bitches[/strike] girls.
Just took my dog out for a walk in the blistering heat, now we're both past out on the sofa 'cause it's cooler in here.
It's torrential rain tbh :p: But I'm just back from Spain and pretty fed up of the sun now :p
Because my sister has failed her first year of university, so I'm redoing all 3 of her essays due in tomorrow.

.. i've just returned from 2 weeks of extreme heat on the coast of the black sea. This feels like cool weather to me. It's bearable to be inside. :D