Why cant I ever meet Taylor Lautner?


Mar 20, 2008
I am crazyyy over him, and I am 16 year old gay boy. If I saw him I would run up to him and snog him, he is soooo fuckin hot, Sorry but its my opinion, why Cant i ever meet him?
Google where he is likely to be seen and where he likes hanging out. Then go stalk those places till you meet him. I don't suggest you snog him unless you want to be arrested ;)
zomg he is just like you. Just email him or find his phone number because then you will have so much in common he will wanna "love" you
Well, what makes you think that you will get a straight answer out of us? To be honest i find this quite funny
Taylor Lautner is a celebrity and it's very hard to meet celebrities. The best chance of meeting Taylor Lautner is to go to one of his movies premiere. Hope I helped. Have a nice day! Bye! :)
If you ran up to Taylpr Lautner and you snogged him you would get tackled by his body guards because there their for a reason.. for his safety. You can meet him. You could meet him at one of his movie premieres, you can go to an interview he is supposed to go too, you could see him while he's on the red carpet, there's a chance of seeing him around Los Angeles, California where he currently lives now. Try meeting him.. don't say you can't when you haven't tried. Anything is possible