Why did Christ not receive any of the "mingled" drink (grace + law)...


Apr 21, 2008
...offered him on the cross? References: Matthew 27:34 and Mark 15:23:
Christ refused both such "mingled" drinks

Would it be like in Genesis 2:16 + 17, where
every tree + not every tree mingled = "surely die"?

Would it be like in Genesis 6-8, where
mingled clean + unclean = "flood of waters"?

Would it be like in the prophet Daniel, where
mingled light + darkness = "abomination of desolation"?

Would it be like in Mt 12:37, 2Cor 3:9, Col 3:5, where
mingled justified + condemned = "condemnation"?

Would it be like in Mark 12:27, where
mingled life and death = "greatly err"?

Would it be like in Galatians 1:8,9 where
mingled blessed + cursed = "accursed"?

Would it be like in Colossians 3:5, where
mingled good + evil = "evil concupiscence"?

Would it be like in 1Thessalonians 5:3, where
mingled salvation + destruction = "not escape"?

Would it be like in Hebrews 7:23, where
mingled above + under = "death" (under-taker)?

Would it be like in James 1:8, where
mingled grace + law = "double minded"?

Would it be like in James 3: all, where
mingled sweet + bitter = "deadly poison"?

Would it be like in Jude 1:4,5, where
mingled saved + destroyed = "lasciviousness"?

Would it be like in Revelation 3:16, where
mingled hot + cold = "lukewarm"?

Is it why Christ would not receive "mingled" drink?
Jesus is God. He is perfect. He had no sins to save Himself from. Therefore, He doesn't need grace. But He chooses to give it out freely.