Why did Homer represented Ares as the most vile and hated god (Read before posting)?


New member
Dec 22, 2010
I was reading the Iliad by Homer and his version of Ares was said to be the most hated among the Gods, was always starting fights, murderous, and a coward.

But in the myths there are no mentions of Ares attacking unprovoked. Each of Ares' duels are the result of attacks on his family, or in the heat of a declared battle.He killed one of Poseidon's sons when he tried to rape his daughter Alkippe for example.

The worst thing I have ever read about Ares was when he killed Aphrodite's lover Adonis out of jealously but some accounts say it was Artemis who killed him.

Compared to his mother Hera who attacks Zeus' lovers and childern out of petty reasons and even tried to OVERTHROW ZEUS. I don't see how it really makes much sense for Zeus to say that Ares was the most hated out of the other gods. And it looks at one point in mythology Zeus actually liked him.

"Ares, destroyer of the Titanes, his father’s champion, who lifts a proud neck in heaven, still holding that shield ever soaked with gore."


Another thing that bugs about Homer's Ares was that he let Athena talk him out of avenging his sons' death during the Trojan War. Which seem out of place because in another myth Ares fights Herakles to avenge Kyknos' (Ares' son) death. When Athena tries to talk some sense into him, he just flat out ignores her.

Ares was not associated with non consensual sex unlike many of the other Gods. Although Mars is attributed with the rape of Rhea Silvia( other accounts say he seduced her). To me, outside of Homer's Iliad, Ares wasn't that bad of guy since he was also the God of courage, civil order, defense of cites. So why was Homer's version of Ares the opposite of that?
Have read this question many, many, many times in many versions of the standard tongue of the wolfkinders.

Homer was a serial comic book artist trapped in the wrong time. The Bavarians set him free with the help of Lucius Donotello Vanderberg. (spoilers for the doctor)
The Iliad plays down the character of Ares, in earlier myth he delighted in war and often went to battle with his two sons Deimos (Greek for Dread or panic) and Phobos (Fear / Flight). He is often companioned with Enyo, the Goddess of war and often depicted as his sister.

Ares loved war for wars sake and killed his rivals, when Aphrodite loved Adonis, Ares killed him over the inability to control his jealousy.

If you read The Shield of Hercules by Hesiod, you will see the true murderous and blood-thirsty nature of Ares.