Why did my boyfriend cry over these rumors?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
So, my boyfriend dated a girl from this one school. And my friends and I know a few people there. But the other day, a bunch of girls told me, and my friends that supposidly my boyfriend hurts every girl and screws over girls and blah blah blah. Idk how much of that is true, considering he's such a sweetheart. And I feel like maybe his ex just started all those rumors to hurt his reputation maybe? Anyhow, I told him about it, and he got really upset. Not angry, or mad at me, just upset. Like he cried and was like "I don't want these people to break us up, I don't wanna lose you, please don't believe them, they're not true." And stuff like that. So, considering the fact that he cried, do you think these people are lying about him? Or were they telling the truth and he just doesn't want me to know....
Awww he cares about u he is telling the truth and I would keep him close and trust him its not everyday you get an emotional guy
Maybe he has hurt one or more ex gfs and regrets it...maybe he hurt them inadvertently...Just make sure that he knows that you wouldn't judge him from rumours. Innocent until proven guilty ;) Probably he is determined to try his best never to hurt a girl again and doesn't want his past to haunt him. Help him along...he probably had spent much energy convincing himself that he is not a bad person...give him some assurance.
He's upset that people would say such things and doesn't want you to think they're true