Why did Obama deliver his race speech (Mar 18) at this time?

He knew his ship had sunk and needed time for Hillary to screw up and even things out.
His church in Chicago was outed as based on "black liberation theology" and it's basically Marxism.His pastor was shown in video clips making racist, anti American rants. These are hard to counter if you wait too long so he spoke as soon as he could to help deflect the negative impact from his campaign.He did a good job but many still find it hard to accept that anyone as sharp as him could sit in the pews for twenty years, accepting racist views.
Because dumb people were clamoring on the internet...
"OMG!!! Obama's pastor is a racist!!...that means Obama is a racist!!, he hates america!!!1!1!"
Why won't hew come out and admit he hates babies?

...Then he addresses the race issue.

Now people exclaim, "OMG...see he's racist... if he wasn't he wouldn't have had to give that speech."