Why did Ron Paul get suppressed?


Feb 18, 2008
I came in late in all of this election noise. Came in because Obama grabbed my attention. Came in because I got excited about Obama. I researched and questioned and debated and looked and listened and I just can't undertsand at this late date how Ron Paul, who looks like the only sane man standing at this late date, got pushed out of the picture. This must be a Hollywood screenplay. What is the bottom line?
Because his ideas are too extreme for the average american to grasp(do you think people are going to give up their welfare). Ron Paul is the only person who was running for president who could help this country.
He's still in the race, but he's getting no media attention because he's not part of the CFR (like Hillary, McCain, and Obama are), military-industrial agenda. And his position on the Federal Reserve is fiercely opposed by these interests as well.Latest update:http://www.ronpaul2008.com/
Most believe he is a white supremace and he is too old, the Republicans know that McCain is not going to win. Better to put someone they don't like as a nominee to lose this election. Sad, but true. Ron Paul got lucky.
Ron Paul is very likable and admirable, but in this day and age, you have to have a name or a movement. Campaign finance reform has put an end to small time guys like Ron Paul.As far as too extreme? That is laughable, but maybe true. 20 years ago, he'd be in the middle of the road and guys like Obama, Edwards, and Clinton wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance because they'd be too extreme! The country has moved far to the left, which to me, is very scary!
paul got plenty of coverage - he was in most of the debates and also the subject of numerous press articles as well as appearing on numerous talk shows.That he could not sell his extremist plans is his issue - not the press's
I agree he is the most qualified candidate. But he is anti war, so not desirable for criminal Elites and big fat corps. agendas. Same as Obama.Regards.
For those of you that think that Ron Paul would be a great president, then write his name on the ballot in November.