Why did Verizon residential used to mail me bills and letters in


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Vietnamese even though I never requested it? First of all, I am Vietnamese but I never indicated that to Verizon. I never gave them my race or anything like that when signing up. I live alone so it's just me and no one else would have told them anything.

I think what happened is that their computer system somehow scanned my name as Vietnamese and they thought it would be cool to send me correspondence in my own language. Wrong!

I am Americanized and am not fluent in Vietnamese. I speak ENGLISH. I'm not a FOB (fresh off the boat) lol I don't appreciate being sent crap in Vietnamese because I never requested it. I think it's PATRONIZING for a company to assume that I would want correspondence sent in Vietnamese just because I am Vietnamese. And besides, I can barely read it anyways. It's seriously pissing me off.
This is America. Send me stuff in English. Don't assume that just because I have an Asian name that I would like correspondence sent to me in my native language. I DON'T! I only like to read in English. Got it?

I already canceled service with them awhile ago and when I asked the rep about this she claimed she had "no idea" why I was being sent this stuff and that someone must have requested it (even though I live alone and I certainly never requested it). I still get annoyed thinking about it though. I don't like being patronized. I don't like people assuming things about me and assuming that just because I'm Vietnamese that want literature sent to me in Vietnamese. Their marketing ploy backfired.