Why did you pick your user name?


Feb 26, 2008
I picked mine because it is my Chinese/nick name. I was staying at a hostel for a couple weeks in China and didn't shave for awhile, then one day I decided to shave my beard off and a few people didn't recognize me. The girl behind the bar at the hostel said I looked cute like a white panda. So the name stuck after that.
wot? I could have sworn you were a female!! I don't know how I got that... I thought for sure I'd asked in a thread before. Jeebus.. I thought... 'she's shaving off her beard? gah!!!'
I don't have the imagination for a clever 'handle' so it's my first name and the forum name....

Maybe I should change it.... To what????

RagingPheonix ????
Loadsabull ???
CamayMaster - Good posture and bubbles ???

Hmmmm think I'll leave it as it is.
I have even less imagination.

That and the fact that Lord Trumpington Crutchpiece seemed not appropriate.
On another forum I had a more abstract user name. Then I actually met another forum user for real and had to say "Hello...I'm "stupid name"...nice to meet you".
Felt dumb.
So I changed it to my actual name (or thereabouts) and have done so on forums ever since.
Because I had to.

I tried a few times to register for this site - last year, then earlier this year under the name I use on most forums: MikeM.

Well, the spam filter didn't like that, and emails to the mods didn't get it changed, so I picked the next best thing - where I live and what I learn.
It's my first name.

I find it annoying when people change their user names a lot... it's hard to keep track of who is who... I do laugh though when people who have 1800000 posts change their names every few hundred posts and then get offended when someone doesn't recognize them online.
I was told that southpaws are really annoying to boxers so that seemed to fit. Plus I think it sounds kind of cute.
wesley snipes....who else?

and I started shotokan karate because i got interested in the blade movies and Wesley is a 5th degree shotokan blackbelt.

Its not much of a factor now, because i now stay in shotokan because i fell in love with that art. But the name Blade is still me

The 96 is the number of my favorite Detroit Red Wings player, Tomas Holmstrom.

Btw I love these why did you pick the name you have threads. I made one like this here before too.
Mine can be a long story, but I'll keep it short. Year: 1989, the thing to do was dialing into BBS systems to see what's the latest and online gaming was very limited indeed. I joined The Sierra Network (TSN) later to be named the Imagination Network (INN) to play online games and chat. 4 Player Red Baron flight sim was my favorite so I joined one of the online squadrons that was recruiting. They were called the Devil's Advocates and they all chose to use demon names as handles. The only demon I could think of that wasn't exactly demonic and fit me was the demon Xanth from the Piers Anthony Xanth novels. I was working as an Analyst and the fact that his name is a math formula appealed to me. X times the quantity of A times N to the TH power. I've used the name eversince.
I THOUGHT a "coronavirus" was a form of rabies, which seemed a cool name for a MA'ist because it denotes aggression.

It's actually a class of virus which causes diarrhea...
They're RNA viruses that are largely responsible for the common cold as well.

That and a corona is a booze.