Why didn't Dumbledore just adopt Tom Riddle?

Because Tom Riddle was a creepy little kid! Don't pin everything on Dumbledore, he was trying! I know there are often easy fixes for whole stories to turn out okay, and they drive me crazy too (Romeo and Juliet!), but if they were fixed, just like that, it wouldn't be much of a story (as much as I hate to admit it).

Oh, and by the way, not ALL Harry Potter fans haven't read the Twilight series, because I have read the Twilight series. That's oversimplifying a cause and effect! I just learned that in English today :'( blech!
Man, you're like the energizer bunny. Counseling may have helped Tom Riddle, that is a valid point. Did counseling help you with your anger?
I do read Twilight, I've watched all the movies that have came out and I've read all the books, hoping to see if there was a new obsession I could build onto my Harry Potter obsession. The answer was unfortunately not.

And to answer your question, Tom Riddle has always been evil. He was conceived through a love potion and that distorts the true meaning of love and his father abandoned him before birth and his mother didn't even want to be around for him. Voldemort had always loved power from a very young age, as shown when he takes the other orphans' possessions, do you think he would really listen to a mere counsellor? I don't think they even have them in the wizarding world.

But I suggest you stop asking questions about HP and get a life.
Because Tom Riddle was a creepy little kid! Don't pin everything on Dumbledore, he was trying! I know there are often easy fixes for whole stories to turn out okay, and they drive me crazy too (Romeo and Juliet!), but if they were fixed, just like that, it wouldn't be much of a story (as much as I hate to admit it).

Oh, and by the way, not ALL Harry Potter fans haven't read the Twilight series, because I have read the Twilight series. That's oversimplifying a cause and effect! I just learned that in English today :'( blech!
I do read Twilight, I've watched all the movies that have came out and I've read all the books, hoping to see if there was a new obsession I could build onto my Harry Potter obsession. The answer was unfortunately not.

And to answer your question, Tom Riddle has always been evil. He was conceived through a love potion and that distorts the true meaning of love and his father abandoned him before birth and his mother didn't even want to be around for him. Voldemort had always loved power from a very young age, as shown when he takes the other orphans' possessions, do you think he would really listen to a mere counsellor? I don't think they even have them in the wizarding world.

But I suggest you stop asking questions about HP and get a life.
Here we go! i finally have a valid argument against why the whole harry potter series could have been solved in a sentence.

Why didn't dumbeldore just ADOPT Tom? he obviously knew he was a lonely, crazy orphan that was headin down the wrong path. Why didn't he just take him in? then, he would've saved thousands of people killed by a maniacal serial killer in the future.

Also, why the hell wasn't Tom in some sort of counseling program?

It's all dumbedore's fault, i swear. he screwed the whole series over big time.

And this isn't a Harry potter vs. Twilight question, it's actually a valid harry potter thought. (And YES, i've read the books. I don't argue against crap i haven't even read. So, you Potter fans should take time to read the Twilight books too before you diss it)
Yeah, well obviously he wouldn't have grown up to become Voldaomort
Well he could have... but would Tom have been okay with it?
and they were completely different, even when Tom was young
Dumbledore had a taste of power at a young age, knew he could not handle it, and tried his best to stay away from it, whereas Tom wanted power and was already using it to gain something...

Do you really think that Dumbledore adopting Tom would have changed the course of what was to come? Now I'm not saying that it would not have, but Tom was not a baby, he already knew what he wanted, and I doubt anything could have changed that.
First of all, commenting on the last comment, I think the war of Harry Potter vs. Twilight is STUPID! There is nothing similar about the series! Plus, I don't have a problem with Twilight.

Anyways, by the time Dumbledore met Tom, it was, technically, already too late. Tom had already developed a habit of hurting people & collecting trophies. Dumbledore tried to show him that what he was doing was wrong, but it had no affect. Plus, Tom already had a liking for acting solo. He didn't want companionship, so Dumbledore adopting him wouldn't've worked.
Also, Tom acted like a perfectly normal kid in front of all the other teachers, and was very cautious around Dumbledore. So, while Dumbledore DID keep an eye on him, he also considered the possibility that Tom felt sorry for what he had done, and was ready to 'turn over a fresh leaf'.

He would've become Voldemort, regardless. He hated his name.

Hope that helps.
okay....so i have permission to diss on twilight seeing as i have read the books (sweet! thanks for that). Dumbledore adopting tom would not have helped the problem at all...he was already far too damaged to be helped...yes the answer to the questions seems to be love this and love that but voldemort had no capacity for love and therefore could not have been saved. as for dumbledore...he even admitted at the end of deathly hallows that he had made some mistakes and had been blinded by forgetting what it was like to be young...but we are all guilty of that at one point or another...so...
So he got adopted by,the heasmaster of hogwarts...? That wouldnt have no time for him...and he would become lonely and,go crazy anyways. Plus the dude was olddd. Im sure he didnt want,to call some 10 yr old boy "his son"
If this happened the whole series of harrry pottter,wouldnt exsist.
It would have killed the series.
He didn't put himself in counseling. It obviously didn't help you, so why would it help Voldemort?
Man, you really have a lot of hate in you, right? I answer one of your annoying questions and another one pops up, they're like weeds! Please, for the good of all humanity, just stop.
Yes because adopting someone is just a simple little thing that you can do, it doesn't change your whole goddamn life or anything. It's just a nice thing to do for someone.
*snicker* I love all the comments LaneCommaJane makes and I also like that show, but anyways...

Who says that would've changed anything? It was his choice to be evil, no one told him to be that way. If you could have adopted Hitler would you have? It's likely that he still would've murdered you in your sleep.