Why do adults get so surprised that i can cook really well?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I am 13 and when ever i cook a meal and its very good and looks really nice every person who is eating it say "wow this is really good im surprised" and i always taste my food and make sure my presentation is very good can anybody help me with this!?
That’s great that you cook well done and good for you
They just get shocked because they think you’re young
That’s all

But don't worry :)
Just keep doing it and cook all you want and as you grow up you may even be on Tv one day and teach other kids.
who knows.
because most kids have their parents cooking for them. most kids aren't interested in cooking or their mother's won't give them a chance to make a mess in their kitchen.
because adults sometimes think that kids under the age of 18 don't know how to cook.
you have an in built passion for cooking.. not everyone has that.. Some people are born with artistic qualities or chef qualities and some people go to school and learn.. You were born with it