Why do Athiest Occulists Fundamentalists hate Jesus Christ and persecute...


Active member
May 12, 2008
...Christians so much? They're surpressors of truth that's what they are.
And you love it, don't you? According to the Bible, you need to be persecuted to be a card-carrying Christian. Besides that, you need something to struggle against to add meaning to your beliefs and drama to your life.
You really don't know what persecution is like until they want to burn you at the stake for whatever. In today's society, especially if you live in the United States, you don't know persecution. Being called names is immature, but then, what can it do to you? If they don't throw stones or otherwise attack you for your beliefs _physically_ then it is no big deal (even if you think it is). Ignore them.

If you are physically attacked, then you can and should take legal action.

And as far as being suppressors of truth, you need to recognize how hypocritical it is of _you_ to say so. You want to silence the opposition? That's not only bias and bigotry on your part, but censure, as well, and in the United States, against the constitution.

What people who ask questions like this demonstrate is a total disregard to the same freedoms they want for themselves, but would deny to those who disagree with them. That is hypocrisy and something that Jesus Christ strongly condemned.

TDs expected from the hypocrites.
Christians are not being persecuted. All those special treatments and privileges they've had for centuries have been taken away, and the Christian faith is now on equal footing with other religions. People are mistaking a lack of privileges for persecution.
They have turned their back on The Holy Spirit, God has hardened their hearts, and will they soon take The Mark Of The Beast.
LOL.....I don't hate anybody.

To include that last category you need to do some serious reading. Hate Jesus Christ?