Why do Christians/Muslims argue against earliest Genesis tales?


New member
Jun 13, 2009
It baffles me that Christians/Muslims/Jews argue against the earliest tales of Eden, the flood etc when the first Judaic patriot was Abraham.

According to the scriptures the first Jew was Abraham. The legends from Babylon and Sumer predates the writings of the Judaic scriptures by a few thousand years so why not concede?

The Jewish rendition of the material prior to Abraham does not follow the earliest writings discovered in Babylon by Babylonians and Sumerians. In fact; the Jewish writings follow the writings of the Babylonian Historian Berossus of about 275 BCE; incidentally just before the first Jewish writings appear!

Why argue about anything prior to Abraham? The errors in books such as Daniel make it obvious that nothing in the Bible can be interpreted literally!
How can it possibly be annoying if you have been mislead and learn the truth? Why would I upset you I do not lie!
Light and Truth: The "Book of Abraham isn't! The Chaldeans would not have been written about by anyone at the time Abraham supposedly lived as they did not arrive on the scene until more than a thousand years. These alleged scrolls with Egyptian Hieroglyphs does not belong either as all people from Ur employed an entirely different cuneiform script.
Graham: Is it a trait of whatever cult you belong to to accuse those that may have differing opinions of being evil?
Uh. Actually a lot in the Bible should be interpreted literally, otherwise there's really no point to it at all. It'd just be meaningless.
If you're going to be a Muslim or a Christian, then believe what you say you believe. Otherwise you're just a poser, so you ain't getting to Heaven AND you're annoying the crap out of the rest of us.
Indeed. With Abraham the manuscripts explode. A scholar teem has gathered many together which I have read, and many have become unreal tales. I cannot remember but they do have some before the period you mention from the Russian Jews that left the Holy Land.

As to the Abraham writings, there is fragments of his found in a mummy in 1840 called the Book of Abraham. In it he tells the story of his time in Egypt with his father Terra (sp english) and his brother that died in the famine. Then his call and move to hebrew (beyond the river) and subsequent rights to the priesthood, his blessings obtained of land, seed, and power from God, and the method of the obtainment.
Us Christians do take everything literally because the Bible is the Word of God, and it has commands which cannot be ignored as metaphorical.