why do jehovah witnesses say they call themselves jehovah witnesses because...


New member
Jan 30, 2012
...they don't worship christ? but jesus christ said he was God, when he said the father and I we are one
There is no such thing as Jehovah's witnesses in either the O.T or N.T of the bible. All christians are called to witness for Jesus.

Jesus called out Paul to be a witness of his death, burial, and resurrection (1Cor 1:17, 15:1-4, and 8-9,

(Acts 26:16 ) "I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a WITNESS both of these things"

And just like Paul was a witness and follower of Jesus -- us christians are also witnesses of Christ (1Cor 4:15-16)

(Acts 22:15) "For thou shalt be HIS WITNESS unto ALL men"

No only are we witnesses for Jesus we are also ambassadors for him ( 2Cor 5:20 ) with the ministry of reconciliation to a lost and sinful world ( 2Cor 5:18-19 )
The salvation gospel is the gospel of grace ( 1Cor 15:1-4 and Acts 20:24 ) which every unsaved person must believe to have eternal life ( Rom 10:9-10 and Eph 2:8-9 )

You are also correct in saying that Jesus is God ( John 1:1) this is why he could live a perfect and sinless life on earth and then die on the cross for our sins and then resurrect himself back to life (John 2:19 and 10:18 )