Why do leftists suddenly claim they don't care about rally turnout, after...


Dec 3, 2009
...they ranted about Beck's turnout? After the disappointing turnout for today's Desperate Democrat rally in the same place as the Beck rally, why are liberals suddenly pretending rally turnout doesn't mean anything, even though they ranted for days about the turnout at Beck's rally?
The Dems didn't know there was that many disturbed folks to go to the Blek rally.

Too many Dems had to work today to show up for a rally.
What's the difference? It's already been proven that Fox news fakes the videos of these rallies anyway. And so much for the so called "liberal media". What a joke. The Beck rally was mentioned constantly on the TV news and newspapers weeks before the event. And this one? Nothing! Wake up you dumbass wingnut.
Didn't they say it had nothing to do with Beck, but held a rally when congress wasn't in session? Are these idiots even attempting to not look like lying, hate mongers? Did you check out all those union astroturf members. Not even smart enough to not wear the free t-shirt.
Because theirs was a dud. Just like they say that don't care about polls, now that those are against them too.

BCool: The Liberals in this forum ranted for days, and they still occasionally bring it up.
I remember it was Fox News who said Dems were ranting about Beck rally's turnout. We weren't ranting then. We are not ranting now.