Why do men so frequently complain about women lying about their ages if all...


New member
Sep 23, 2010
...women over 35 are expired? If all middle aged women are so universally repulsive, then shouldn't these men be able to figure it out for themselves that the woman who says she's 27 isn't? Or are they just terrified of the reality that they could find a woman their own age attractive? How about...date who you find yourself attracted to? If you were attracted to her until you found out she's actually 40 and not 32, then doesn't that just go to show that society's stigmatization of older women is the problem rather than women lying about their ages?
I am not endorsing lying, for the record. I'm just saying it's superficial to set a "cut off date" at 35...some men even go so far as to say they'll only date 20-something year olds...when you're perfectly capable of finding her attractive as long as you *think* she's 25. That's a psychological aversion, not something that's determined by biology.
And if men ARE capable of finding older women attractive..which they are because there would be no complaining about women lying about their ages to begin with otherwise since no men would find older women attractive enough to get to a point where they'd ask about their ages...then what's the point in society stigmatizing 35+ year olds? Just to make women dread getting older and then hate themselves when they do for the heck of it? If men would stop acting as if any woman, attractive or not, was worthless once she reached the age of 35, women wouldn't lie in the first place.