Why do minorities complain about whites being racist?


May 12, 2008
When minorities act like animals, and don't say not all act like that when majority do. We (whites) are not going to keep associating with every animal minority until we find a minority person that doesn't act like an animal. That's not our job. Minorities get you chit together.!!!!
um so you are admitting that most whites are racist?<<TRUE thanks for making it easy on my answer
Why do minorities complain about whites being racist?

Who cares? I mean, if it was really as bad as they make it out to be, then you would think a majority of them would be high tailing it out of here to a country where their race is in the majority. Seeing as how they aren't.............. Well, I will let you make your own conclusions.
I already act like a damn human. I got my sh!t together, I suggest
you do the same.
They're free to leave now, so why the hell don't they? That's what I don't get.

Actually, I do get it. They're parasites.
LOL, it gives them all the excuses they need to fail at life and still be a winner.

Once you are firmly entrenched in the minority, you can do no wrong, kill your wife, blame it on a culture thing, sell drugs to kids, blame it on a culture thing, don't work but carry a 500 dollar cell phone, blame it on a culture thing, have 5 kids you never met, blame it on a culture thing,

see how easy life is at that point?