Why do most AGW alarmists have absolutely no sense of humour?

jyushchyshyn, I am vegetarian and an absolute animal lover, I found it quite sad that they died, however I admit that the question was funny.
Please do not give each other TD
This one is also funny: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArBtR5vaWB1lxzuUpE2QmWL_5nNG;_ylv=3?qid=20110207155830AATpT4R
Well, dawei, that's funny, usually engineers earn enough money with their day job that they do not have to do stand up comedy. Do you do it for fun?
OM, yes I have noticed the same correlation.

Jeff, do you eat meat? http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Business/images-3/peta-slaughterhouse.jpg

How do you think that these animals were treated during their lifetime and in the slaughterhouse?
Pegminer, why are you always so reactive? Peter is FUNNY! He is one of the funniest people I have come across here.
Peg, come on, I noticed that you are often complaining. Now you say that he is funny but from what I have read, you were reactive.

Anyhow, goodnight.
"Global warmers are mostly just kids, rock and rollers with one foot in
their graves"

"The machinist, the one they called Dana, was from New Orleans.
He was rapped too tight for Vietnam, probably rapped too tight
for New Orleans. Pegminer on the forward 50's was a famous
surfer from the beaches south of LA. You look at him
and you wouldn't believe he ever fired a weapon in his whole
life. Linlyons, Mr. Linlyons, was from some South of Market loft.
Light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head.
Then there was Trevor, the Chief. It might have been my
mission, but it sure as shit was Chief's boat."

"There are about two points where we can draw enough
water to get into the Nung river. They're both hot, belong
to James Hansen."

"Don't worry about it."
A joke is only funny once, not 1,000 times. Which is about the number of times that cold weather "jokes" have been asked here since I signed up.

For the record, I am an AGW "alarmist" and happen to be a stand-up comedian.
I laugh at stuff that really is funny, not stuff that is sick.

Try cracking jokes about terrorism and airport security at any Australian airport.....you won't do it often I promise.

Try cracking jokes about aircraft in buildings in NY and see what kind of reaction you get.

Try cracking jokes about gassing Jews in Israel see where it gets you.

To get away with any of that your jokes would really need to be funny, so funny that the underlying obscenity is not a problem. And if they are not that funny then you would be best to keep them to yourself, and certainly not be surprised if you don't get a laugh.

So jokes of the caliber on offer by AGW deniers simply fail to make the grade. Its not that the majority lack a sense of humour, its that we don't often consider your off colour remarks as worthy of even being called a joke.

We have perhaps a higher standard?
Good point as they quote warm summer weather events like droughts and floods as evidence of global warming all the time. Many of them suffer from superman syndrome which is a deep seated belief that the global warming god put them on the world to "save the planet" which is an admirable but flawed existence as the planet needs no saving however this crusade takes over their lives and before they know it they are so focused on their quest that they forget about the simpler things in life like having fun!

Could you imaging joining 4 climate scientists for a beer... how would the conversation go... Zzzzzz or would it be more entertaining to watch paint dry although I'm sure they'd prefer green paint!!!

There is a personality bypass somewhere :)

Dawei: Global Warming Alarmist and comedian now I don't care what anybody says but that makes me laugh right away... thanks :))
Some people take themselves too seriously and elevate their own self importance. You'd have to ask a psychologist why that is so.

And some people are just humorless. And I have also noted this in the past that the AGW bunch seem to have a higher than average concentration of this. There might even be a correlation between the level of AGW belief and the level of humorlessness.

And actually on a very serious note, this sometimes worries me very much. It's almost like some people seem to think their vote is worth more than mine because I don't have a full belief of AGW and a full speed ahead approach to severely cutting CO2 emissions. There's nothing funny about that.

Edit: Koshka, I believe Herbert Lom's answer provides all the insight you need to resolve your question.
I was one of those "alarmists" that took offense to the question. I don't find the deaths of animals like that in the least bit funny--sorry if you think that means I have no sense of humor, I find lots of things funny, but not zoo animals freezing to death.

The person that asked the question I consider the "clown prince" of YA denial. Most of his stuff is flippant, some of which is funny, most of which is not. Here is something I found terribly funny, in the answer to one of my questions today, a denier said:

"I hate when we try to argue the science, when we really have no idea what were talking about."

I found that hilarious, and accidentally insightful. Of course I assumed that he was using "we" as a nosism. Perhaps you might not find it so funny. As the expression goes, "It all depends on whose ox is being gored."

EDIT: Sorry again, but I demand a higher level of humor than is provided by Mr. J--it at least needs to be at the level of the movie "Airplane."

Another EDIT: Now Action Jackson, he is kind of funny, in a Tom Wolfe Radical Chic kind of way. I'm just a body surfer, though, too klutzy to ride a board.