Why do most riders on YA prefer sport bikes?


May 23, 2008
Let's not turn this into an attacking cruisers or sport bike riders I'm just curious why all new riders seem to want a sport bike and most people on YA in general?

I know its cool and preferred among younger people although Im younger and ride a cruiser. Basically I figure sport bikes are fun but I like longer rides and like riding with my gf or gf's lol and a cruiser is much better for passengers as well.

Just curious why sport bikes appeal to more people on here?

ALso, that said if I had the money to have 2 bikes I'd probably pick up an older sport bike in addition to my cruiser but since I can't I'm happy with my bike.
maybe age i think younger riders like sport bikes
like you said if you have the money get 2 bikes ,i am 53 years old and have 7 bikes from a gold wing to all out race bikes (it helps if your wife is into bikes to) but if you set up your sport bike right you can do long distance rides i have a suzuki sv 1000s that i travel on when the wife stays home and it has an iron butt Tag on it. (iron butt =1000 miles in under 24 hours for the short ride)
so get the bike you like and set it up for the way you want to ride.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I've even replied to a question similar to this. Look through my back posts. Look how many times I, and people like me that recommend sports bikes, even the beginner ones, get thumbs downs. It's overwhelming. Now look at the Harley crowd. (Since there really isn't a metric cruiser crowd here.)

YA prefers Harley's, man. Don't know what to tell ya.

People like Dirtytricks rule this board with an iron fist. Try it. Wait for the next "Why did you buy a Harley/Sport bike?" question. Answer in favor of the sport bike. Not even insulting. Just answer in favor of the sport bike. When the question gets closed you'll have 6+ thumbs down just for saying "I like my sport bike because I'm a fan of plastic over chrome." Now listen to a guy say how much he loves his Fat Boy. 1-8 thumbs up. Guaranteed. Again, search my post history.

Sport bikers have that jackhole Bart S further emphasizing Harley people's opinions of sport bike riders. (That they're loud mouth, brainless show offs that deserve to die, because all they ever do is act like complete god damn morons and go 85 in a 25mph zone on Sunday afternoon.)

Personally, I think it's all sad. If you are so morally bankrupt that you have to justify what you ride through going out of your way to insult people at the opposite end of the motorcycle spectrum you shouldn't be aloud to post.
Age for the most part, just like everything else. It is a fad, or better yet a phase. Plus girls dig guys with hot bikes. Most everyone knows what I mean, when I was a teen and into my twenties. I have to have the fastest, hottest, car around. I had a GTO, dam that car was hot. So was the girlfriend I had. I sold that car for a 67 Camaro, which was scary fast.

Also remember that before sport bikes, cruisers were king, almost unchallenged. Now with the 18 to 35 crowd sports bikes are king. More 35 and under crowd, spends more time here on Y/A. Or the cruiser crowd feels, less of a need to chime in. Also the non-cruiser crowd, spends allot more time attacking. The cruiser crowd, than we do of them. Kind of makes you wounder, who's got the size issues.

For a lot of people, the older you get. The more you want comfort, than performance. For me riding, is not a sport. It's about riding itself, and not showing off how well you can ride. At 45, I can still find a twenty something girl. To spend the summer riding the back of my Harley. It's as plain, looking as a Road King can get. All the custom work I've done to it, has been for the ride not the looks. But still, I rarely ride alone and I get more complements on the bike. Then I see sport bike riders do.
with yourself, a possible exception, it's plainly a case of maturity. Most YA users are young, therefore preferring sport bikes, because speed seems to be the only thing important to them. They lack the maturity to understand that doing 180 mph is not only stupid, but illegal. Cruiser owners, on the other hand, appreciate motorcycling for everything it offers except excessive speed. Brand, price, image, is all irrelevant, it's responsible versus irresponsible, plain and simple.
Cruisers and sport bikes are two ends of a spectrum, there is alot more in-between.

Personally I think cruisers and the people who ride them are stupid. More money for less bike. They are more fashion statement than sporting equipment. While pure sport bikes can be uncomfortable and unpractical for casual riding.

There is a whole lot of happy medium. Cool looking bikes with power, comfort, price, agility, and practicality. These are the bikes I ride, but in the endless sport bike vs cruiser debate I side with the sport bikes and the type of rider who wants performance over status or fashion.

Scooter....Back in the day cruisers were sportbikes. There was a time when the Sportster wasn't ironically named.
I think much of it comes down to personal preference and comfort. I'm 34 and ride a GSX-R 1000. When I was 22 I had a Shadow VT500. I found that the cruiser promoted a slouched riding style that hurt my back and I didn't feel as comfortable cornering on it. My sportbikes I've owned make me feel more in control and, while they're not the most comfortable on the tush, are more fun even on long-distance rides. They also have an aesthetic value that I just don't get from cruisers or (most) sport-tourers. I also hope to some day take my Gixxer out to a track day and drag knee. That would be exciting!

When I'm 50 I'll get a Goldwing and tour the country. But I'm not ready for that yet.
To be honest with you you answered your own question when you mentioned age the average age of a sport bike rider is between 18-30 and the average age of cruiser riders is between 45-65 some other things that you could consider are the desire for speed most younger people have as-well as the invincibility complex. Also the prices are more agreeable with a sport bike as you tend to get more bang for your buck. even in the used market the sport bikes tend to be damaged more often and thus lend themselves to a lower resale value.
Without knocking any ones preferences I would say that most good riders out there started out riding a small standard Motorcycle and worked there way up to either direction i.e sport or cruiser. However because of the market and the way things are advertised + age of rider not to mention that the people who spend a good amount of time on the Computer are the same young generation that is out there buying the sport bikes. So Age + Computer Generation = predisposed sport bike audience on Yahoo answers
because it is a younger crowd. wait 15 years and it will be more blended. I know people in there 40-50yrs that wish this computer fad would end.
At the risk of being seen as ageist, I think it's an age issue.
Most younger people are more into computers than my older generation.
YAs are on the computer.
Younger people prefer sportsbikes.
Older people prefer cruisers.