Why do people feel that its okay to make racist comments and ask racist...


New member
Oct 23, 2008
...questions on the internet?
Im still in shock by one persons question.
It was so racist and I cried.
Its sad some people are like this, it really is so sad.
What the others said, hiding behind the computer.
Oh and at least you cried. I'm glad to know that there are still some people like you who have not become so callused that it doesn’t faze them a bit.
exactly what the first person said. its no big deal to them cause they aren't going to get caught
People are entitled to their opinion, regardless of whether we like it or not. It's not always the best thing that comes out of their thoughts, mouth or even written words. The one thing that can be done is ignoring it and not giving them any attention, they will eventually give up and go away. By you showing that it bothered you in anyway, that is just adding gasoline to the fire.
It is ok. You don't have to agree with it, but they have as much right so say what they want as you do to say what you want.;If you want to learn about histories greatest censors who decided for everyone what was acceptable and what was not acceptable to say you can read up on Adolf Hitler, Joesph Stalin, and other brutal dictators. The free world is founded on freedom to believe what you want and say what you want. You take that away and you are not a better person or the same as a racist, you are one thousand times lower.