Why do people keep whining about the Patriots not making it to the playoffs?


New member
Jan 1, 2009
I am disappointed that the Patriots missed making the playoffs. I am not whining about it. The Patriots have been in the playoffs a lot and have been Superbowl contestants over five times. I was a fan when they were in last place and when they were Superbowl Champions. Hey, I am still whining about last years Superbowl.
I am sorry, but haven't the Pats been getting the better of a not so good division for years now? Why do you keep on whining because they didn't make it to the playoffs this season. Why not just look forward to the draft and wait for the regular season like I am?

This is all coming from a Patriots fan, I would just like you clowns to stop whining, ok, I am sad that they didn't make it to the playoffs and teams like the Cardinals and Chargers did but get over it! If they had just won their divisional games like they should have then they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. Just quite whining damn!
They had such a great record (11-5) and didn't make it to the playoffs. I am not a Pat's fan but they should of made it, at least in the wild card. Oh - well!
They could no longer rely on cheating like they did last year, so they couldn't cut the mustard. So be it.

Let the Thumbs Down roll in.... I don't care. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

<<<< waves Terrible Towel >>>>>>
Yes, leave things the way they are in the NFL. If you can't win your division then get lost. Also, I don't want to see Moss in the playoffs unless he's back with the Vikings.

Most importantly is there will be no "he-haw" edition of the playoffs because the Packers are at home.