Why do Republicans complain about Obama's stimulus program when they aren't paying...


New member
Apr 2, 2009
...for it, the Government is? The Government is paying for the stimulus package...NOT you!

The Government is Paying for the Health Care...not you!

Who in the hell do you think PRINTS our money...the Government!
(not you)

geeezzz...some you people are soo damn dumb.
Is this tongue in cheek sarcasm? Me thinks it is.

Probably trying to flesh out who is really dumb enough to agree with this very warped "opinion".
Where in the HELL do you think the government gets the money to pay for all of this. It gets it from our pockets, it's called taxes and we don't have enough taxes to pay for his plan so therefore taxes will be going up. Now you probably don't pay taxes so it isn't of any concern to you but to us working folks it's a pretty big concern. Money is just paper unless it has something backing it. If they print more money than those dollars have less and less value therefore the price of goods goes up. Anyway you slice it, we the people have to pay for all of this spending.
Now who's so damn dumb?
Yes, some people are dumb ,where do you think the government gets it's money? The money prented by the government has to be backed by gold , just as a check is no good if you don't back it with money in the bank.Wake up.

yes, some peole are dumb.Where do you think the government gets it's money? Money is like chechs, no good if not backd by money
Where does the government get its money from?

We, the people. We are paying for it.