Why do some Christians complain about atheists mocking Christianity, when...


Jun 4, 2008
...they have Harold Camping?
jl: He says he is. I just assume if someone says they are, they must be?
I'm not lumping you, Jim. I said 'some'. 'Some' doesn't mean 'all'.
random: Christians always seem to know who is or is not a Christian.
The sad thing is that many seemingly Intelligent people believed him

As an atheist I think it's hilarious that people could be so gullible in this day and age ....it's no as though we're a bunch of medieval peasants who aren't educated ,it's 2011 for fcuk sake
I guess we Christians would know who is Christian and who isn't. Those who follow scripture are Christian and those who speak against it are not. Simple, its not rocket science.
Try as we might, atheists can't come close to making 'christianity' look foolish in the manner that 'christians' can make 'christianity' look foolish.
What I see here is that "christians" complain that atheists judge them by the few fruitcakes like Camping but they will turn around and totally generalize as if ALL atheists believe in evolution or gay rights or whatever. Don't complain about being generalized when you do the same thing.
Agnostic, I watch both sides play these childish games. Makes me sad, where have all the adults gone?
Blessings on your Journey!
Is he the guy that rejects the Bible? The 21 May guy? Christians call people like that false prophets and the Bible tells us not to listen to them. Why do we have to claim them? Is that the best you can do?
People who make predictions about anything only speak for themselves, not the entire ideology they profess to follow.

Throughout most of the 20th century, many atheist scientists promoted eugenics and scientific racism.

Edit: I only mention scientific racism as an example of how ANY belief can be twisted and interpreted in ways that are dangerous, not just religious beliefs. In this case, the theory of evolution was used for a harmful purpose.

Edit: Yes, you did use the word "some" in your question. It's just that Harold's prediction is always being used as a hammer to beat Christians over the head with.