Why do we eat meat?

Bwaaahaahaaahaaa........that is funny stuff.

Ya, I am sure most meat eaters feel really guilty eating a nice big piece of prime rib cooked to a perfect medium rare with a baked potatoe on the side...and maybe a few veggies for color only, all served with a glass of South African or Chilean red wine. MMmmm...can't talk any longer...gotta go eat!

I guess to some people, 'often' can be substituted for 'almost never'....
true dat. plus, i eat meat cuz im on top a da food chain! boojah!

how come no one feels bad when predators hunt down little fuzzy bunnies but everyone gets all mad when u kill an animal for survival? one of a carnivore's sole purpose in life is eat other animals for survival and i dont tink they care if they're inflicting pain on their prey. also, wut about wolves? they were known to kill 4 sport. y doesnt anyone go around shooting them 4 their inhumaneness (if dat even is a word)?

oh yeah, tofu doesnt taste dat bad, does it? i actually think dat it tastes good! y does everyone hate tofu? the heck kinda tofu do u guys eat anyways?

heehee this sounds like da stuff my friends and i talk about all da time @ school
poop loops you could have done this yourself I was wrong its 5 pounds and men over 50 but there you go!
And many things that live on Earth depend on eating other things in order to reproduce and multiply.

My point is, eating other animals is a part of life. If a bear came up to me and wanted to eat me, would I object to it? Hell ya I would. But the bear would STILL eat me, even though I was suffering, and it could have just gathered nuts and berries instead. Go watch the Lion King. Geeze.

Ok, so maybe bears don't eat humans, but bears are cooler than lions.

No, you stated a bizzare fact, you are obliged to back it up.

1) I had H. Pylori. It sucked majorly. Even though treating it only required 2 weeks of pill popping (4 pills twice a day), I can feel that I will never be truly cured, and the damage has been done. Nothing to due with meat, it's just an infection.

2) I said people were never meant to live over 30. That bad things happen to us after we hit 50 is no surprise.

Does it say why we get 5lbs of undigested meat in our guts? People these days don't excercise at all. Maybe it's not the meat that's doing it, but the diet people have in general?

I remember as a kid once I ate 6 apples in the course of 2 hours before I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night and threw up like you wouldn't believe. OBVIOUSLY, apples are bad and we should not eat them.

No thats because you were a greedy kid, and that was once, this is a chronic condition, if these men had a regular balanced diet with a bit of roughage in it this condition would not arise. And I am not obliged to do anything except abide by the rules of this forum and my own moral code.
I am not a vegetarian but I don't eat meat, I have no issues with anyone who want's to eat meat, I cook meat for fammily members and friends I am not the vegetable police.
Well, for me, and most others, I the answer is *NEVER* . . . so, that kind of rules out the "often" idea. Did you miss that word from my original message?
The only reason this is a chronic condition is because the reprecussions for my actions came up in one fell vomitting action our of my mouth and nose, and I was fine afterwards. When it happens to someone else, it happens slowly and then they DIE, and it's too late for them to stop. Look at all the accidents driving drunk causes, yet morons STILL do it. Once they get into an accident themselves, they may stop doing it, but human nature states that after a while, they'll disregard the risks again and do it again.

As long as you admit that it's not meat causing the problems, but people mistreating their bodies by having horrible diets and not excercising, then it's all good.

How about the fact in order to eat meat, we must cook it, whereas carnivores can eat it uncooked and remain unharmed. That should be a pretty convincing argument about our mostly herbivore-ness.

Furthermore, you need fertile land to grow grain on, as grain is a crop, and there will be no nutrients for the cow to eat if you use substandard land.

Poop, you still have yet to make a serious argument that someone else has not provided a link to counter you, but you have not provided any information, just hearsay and opinion. Refer to something, tell us where you get your information, so that we can all discuss this, not defend ourselves against your unfounded argumentive outbursts.
I think we only have to cook meat now because our stomachs are weaker than they were thousands/hundred thousands of years ago, when we were generally much harder.
Good theory, but I think it is unfounded. That would mean that, as a race, we evolved from meat eating into plant eating, and, considering how much humans have eaten meat since the invention of fire, I don't see how that could have happened, evolutionary speaking. That would meant that the humans who couldn't eat meat survived better than those who could, meaning the more adaptable ones did not adapt. I think humans are stronger and more healthy than they ever have been, or at least have the potential to be, if they choose to take it.

But, even if your theory is true, then we are NOW not able to digest raw meat, making us herbivores (either evolved or not), not omnivores. Humans can only be classified as omnivores if you take into account the cooking of meat. In that case, all hebivores could probably eat cooked meat, making all of them omnivores?
We don't actually have to cook meat to eat it, it's just that it tastes better and it's safer. I knew someone who used to eat raw steak. The only thing is, certain animals, like chickens, carry diseases, and cooking the meat is a way to be sure we've killed off the bacteria. And like I said before, I think meat tastes better cooked. But we're perfectly capable of digesting it raw. In fact, in addition to that guy I mentioned (Walter C. McCrone, a well known microscopist, who my dad and uncle used to work for), my grandfather used to occassionally make himself a sandwich with raw ground beef, and my dad and uncle, when they were little (this was back in the 50s, BTW) wanting to be like their dad, would ask him to make one for them, too.

I think the biggest problem about this argument is that science has for so long said that we are omnivores, and for that reason, everyone says that we are. But science can be wrong, and it is always a battle to change the popular viewpoints. Just looking at facts, though, tends to support humans as herbivores, almost fully. But not quite, which leaves room for doubt, which allows opinion and discussions. It is my opinion that humans are herbivore, but I cannot show proof which supports this 100%. It just makes sense.
I can prove I am not a herbivore...I love steak, roast, burgers, lamb chops! Steak medium rare and not a touch more...must be dripping the red juice...mmmm.
The evidence on those sites doesn't cut it for me.

Comparing us to most carnivores and showing physical differences means nothing really. A bear might have claws, and we might not, but give me an animal of relative size to me and I'll kill it with my bare hands, given that it's not a superior predator like a lion or a gorilla.

Human front teeth are much sharper than the molars, personally I find no difficulty eating any kind of meat with my 'herbivore' teeth.

Also, if you stripped me of food and made me find my own, I could either roam the land eating leaves and grass, then die, or kill another human being or animal and live.

A herbivorous diet simply does not provide enough nutrients for a healthy person.