why do women complain when there bf/husband works to much?


May 27, 2008
this guy is out working his but off to take care of his family and all the lady can think of is how much time he is spending at home!

are women this selfish? and cant they see the hard work?
It depends on the person, but I'd be careful making generalizations like that because all women are not like that. Invite her to get a job or one making more money!
When my ex husband and I started having this problem, we decided to invest in some real estate and do that work together. Turned out profitable too. Funny we could talk business but not anything else. Kept the marriage going for quite a while though.
They do appreciate all he is doing when he works so much, but they also know that at the end of your life, no one ever regrets not spending enough time at work but so many do wish they'd spent more time with loved ones. Money is a necessary evil in our lives - but money isn't everything and should not be the most important thing - the people we love should be our highest priority. What is the point of earning a lot of money if you never have time to enjoy it with your spouse???
It is not all about a wife's selfishness. Its about her care and concern too. Remember when a mother asks her son to take rest and leave the remaining work for tomorrow, it is known as motherly concern.. And all I can gather is that you are dealing with wifely concern right now. :)
You are so right. I actually just answered a question about a women complaining her husband works to much. Mean while she gets to stay home with her kids what does she expect? It actually P*sses me off. I don't see my hussband for months at a time and only get emails. Do you think I complain no. You know why because I'm grateful for everything I have and know there is sacarfice we have to make. Please don't think all women are like that because I'm not. Some women are very selfish instead they should make there time that they do have with there husband/boyfriend special and thank them for all the hard work they have done. Sorry for the long rant. It actually makes me mad too like I said I just answered a question about a wife complaining.
of course they can see the hard work, and they can see that you are trying to make a living. but they think that why should someone find a girlfriend when you dont spend enough time with them, weekends isnt enough.. you dont always have to work overtime. and most guys pay all this attention to the gf at the start of the relationship and is always with her and he has all the time in the world for her, but further down the road he works more, ignores her more...maybe she wants the old guy back. she deserves him
my husband works too much and yes i sometimes feel like i want to complain but when i remember how responsible he is and he's doing all this to ensure a better future for us i cool down

i look at the bright side .. when he works alot it gives us time to miss each other and treasure the time we see each other in .. also i reflect all the "complaining" energy into "missing him so much" energy, lol i know it sounds silly but when he comes home and i feel like i want to complain i just give him a big hug squeezing him so hard crushing his ribs and that just makes me feel better knowing that he's back home safely and i let go my energy in another shape

i dont know if that made any sense but that's how i put it in my head

i guess the bf case is different, maybe when it's a bf the woman does complain more
Coming from a 28 yr old married woman, ill tell you y i complain when my husband works too much. I complain when he works too much for one simple reason, the more hes working, the less time hes spending with me, therefore the less happy I am. Its just the two of us, no kids. So im home all by myself all day. Tell me, why do men complain when there wives want to spend time with them after they get home? The truth is, I want him to pay attention to me and do things with me, and he cant do that if hes at work all the time. Yes we appreciate the hard work very Very much, it just sometimes gets over shadowed by our longing to be with you and spend time with you, thats all
Because apparently he's "too distant" from her when she needs him. Funny, since the guy is apparently "too clingy" when he's around her more than usual. Most women are just no win situations. If they hate being bored, they need to work long shifts and see how rough it is.

I was on the other side of the coin on this one. I used to do 12 hour shifts, come home and see to the kids, house and him and yet he moaned like an old hag!
Nothing was ever good enough, and neither was I it seems, so I sent him packing to his bit on the side, safe to say he now wants this part of his life back..Not a chance!
It's not only women who do this, men are just as bad. Thank god I contract now I can do as I please, and no moaning man to tell me how selfish I am for not having a hundred clones of myself to do everything.